Risk-Resilience-Based EMC Compliance Patterns for Medical Devices

During the Safety Critical Systems Symposium SSS’24 in Bristol, UK, our research paper within ITN Eternity titled ‘Ensuring Safety and Effectiveness of Medical Devices in the Presence of Electromagnetic Disturbances through Unified EMC Assurance: A Compliance Pattern’ was presented. ESR14 would like to acknowledge Mike Parsons, Alex King, and Brian Jepson from the Safety Critical…

Research experience at Philips, Netherlands

The last week of September 2022 was very special for me, especially regarding travel. During that week, I first witnessed the best experience participating in a second network-wide event in Lisbon, Portugal; then, I returned to Belgium; and again, traveled to the Netherlands to start my secondment at Philips in Eindhoven. I was already quite…