Xinting Xue – ESR 9
Xinting Xue (薛信庭) obtained his BEng in Electronic Engineering at Xi’an Jiao-tong Liverpool University (XJTLU) in China and the University of Liverpool in the UK, in 2019. His research focused on the physical characteristics of plasma science during the thesis period. After completing his BEng, he changed to the University of Manchester, UK, where he obtained his MSc in Electrical Power Systems Engineering in 2020. His research thesis focused on quantifying the contribution of demand-side management in power system transmission networks.
About Xinting’s Research in Eternity
Xinting will conduct research in developing electromagnetic interference (EMI) sensors that can continuously monitor the EMI disturbances that a medical device encounters during its operational life. He will carry out his research at the Catholic University of Leuven (KU Leuven), Belgium, in collaboration with the University of Twente, and PLUX.