Nandun Senevirathna – ESR 11
Nandun Senevirathna (නඳුන් සෙනෙවිරත්න) is a research scientist and ESR at Philips Medical Systems Nederland B.V. in Best, the Netherlands and is pursuing his PhD in collaboration with the electrical energy systems (EES) research group at Eindhoven University of Technology in the Netherlands.
He received his honours degree in science of engineering, BSc (Hons.), with specialization in electrical and information engineering from the faculty of engineering, University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka. Nandun graduated from the University Nottingham, England, United Kingdom, the Sapienza University of Rome, Italy and the University of Oviedo, Spain with a European Master degree, Erasmus Mundus Joint Master, in Sustainable Transportation and Electrical Power Systems ( EMJMD STEPS).
About Nandun’s Research in Eternity
Nandun’s research involves studying evidence for quantitative correlation(s) between different EMC test environments at different hierarchy levels of system integration. The project is supervised by Dr. Anne Roc’h of the department of electrical engineering, Eindhoven University of Technology and Rob Kleihorst at the electronics department of Image -Guided-Therapy Systems (IGTS) , Philips Medical Systems Nederland B.V..