On 13th June, the EMC Kennismarket event in TU/e will happen! It is a networking event intended for EMC researchers of the Benelux region.
Is your Ph.D. or research related to EMC? Then this may interest you!
We will start with an introduction to the event. Then companies will talk about their current challenges related to EMC and ESD.
All attendees will get to meet and discuss their research with other researchers and listen and interact with members of the Dutch EMC-ESD society (https://fhi.nl/emc-esd/) . Each researcher has the opportunity to prepare and present a poster and make a pitch about their project.
Time: Monday 13th June at 12:30h (with lunch). The introduction will start at 13:00h.
Location: Restaurant/Movie Theater ZwartDoos – 1st Floor – TU/e Campus – Eindhoven, Netherlands.
Are you interested? If yes, please send an email to Anne Roc’h(a.roch@tue.nl) and Marc Berkouwer(marc.berkouwer@fhi.nl) with your name, affiliation, and project name.
Registration is free! The deadline to register is on the 20th of May.