Geon George Bastian – ESR 12
Geon George Bastian is an Early-Stage Researcher, designated as a Doctoral Researcher in the Biometrics & in-cabin sensing team at Idneo Technologies, Spain. He will carry out his research on the topic “Electromagnetic Interference from Connected, Autonomous and Electric vehicles on Driver-Monitoring Systems” as the ESR 12 of the Marie Skłdowska-Curie European Training Network ETERNITY.
Geon graduated from Mahatma Gandhi University in India with a bachelor’s degree in Electrical & Electronics Engineering and then proceeded to France to pursue a master’s degree that aligned with his background and passion for cars. In the year 2020, he received his MSc in Automotive Embedded Systems from ESIGELEC, France. His interest in the Automotive EMC domain began through his Master’s degree and intensified during his internship at the IRSEEM Laboratory in France as an EMC Research Intern.
About Geon’s Research in Eternity
Geon’s research’s key objective is to develop an EMI-risk assessment procedure to ensure a reliable measurement methodology for DMS based on physiological parameters. This study relies primarily on characterizing the EM environment inside a modern car and developing a testing approach that accounts for simultaneous EM disturbances. He will also analyze the relationship between the present EMI, the DMS’s behavior, and possible malfunctions.